Tag Archives for " accident "

March 2, 2017

FAQ: What Happens if I Can’t Work?

 The first tip here is to make sure that you're keeping great records. Always keep a doctor's excuse for every single day that you missed. You also want to talk to your HR department to make sure that you're getting a sheet that details how much time you've missed and the amount of your wages. The at-fault driver and that person's insurance company is going to be responsible for your lost earnings however that doesn't happen until you settle your case which could be months down the road. There may be some other insurance benefits that you qualify for on your insurance policy. I recommend you having a lawyer take a look at that policy to make sure that you get all the insurance benefits that you've paid for. Apart from that there's no quick benefits because the insurance company will only pay you once your case settled. Another option is to check with your HR department to see if there's some sort of short-term disability benefits that you might be able to qualify for.

Free Consumer Guide

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need a Battle Plan.

February 23, 2017

FAQ: Should I Pay My CoPays?

Well, the answer is you want to pay your copays,  you will want to use your medical insurance. Often the medical providers will request the information from the at fault driver. However, what you want to do is use your medical insurance to pay for those medical bills. Don't worry. The law in most cases requires that you pay back your health insurance company once you settle your case; however, there's a lot of benefits to you making sure that you use your own health insurance instead of allowing any medical provider to try and bill the at fault driver's car insurance.

Free Consumer Guide

If you have been injured in a car accident, you need a Battle Plan.