May 19, 2015

Tell Your Teen to Buckle Up, Traffic Tip Tuesday

Car Crashes are the #1 killer of teens. Remember that Safety is not an accident; it is a process of good decisions. One of those good decisions is using your seat belt.

Did you know that 53% of teenage drivers who died in crashes were not wearing seat belts? Additionally, a recent survey found that 25% of teens said they don’t wear their seat belts.

Explain these statistics to your teenage drivers. Tell them that seat belts are an important piece of the vehicle’s safety systems. Tell them you expect them to wear them along with any passengers. After all, it’s the law in South Carolina.

For more information, please visit the National Organization for Youth Safety at If you have been injured in a crash, please visit my website at

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April 21, 2015

Don’t Drive Too Slowly, Traffic Tip Tuesday

I know you have heard me say that speed kills, and it does. However, driving too slowly causes car accidents also. The South Carolina Driver’s License Manual reminds us that driving too slowly can also be dangerous.

The reason is this: When you drive to slowly, traffic backs up behind you. When traffic backs up behind you, some motorists may make dangerous moves to get around you. South Carolina has minimum speed laws in addition to maximum speed limits.

Remember to maintain the speed of the traffic around you No, that doesn’t give you a license to speed. You should go with the flow of traffic as long as you are not speeding.

Stay Connected

April 15, 2015

What If I Told the Officer I Wasn’t Hurt After a Car Accident?

You just experienced a crash. Your heart is racing. People are staring. Everyone is asking you questions. You check on your children in the backseat. The officer arrives, lights flashing.

The officer starts asking questions. Your kids are crying in the backseat. You are late to the next appointment. Traffic is backing up. Your spouse is on the phone asking questions. The situation is out of control.

Your adrenal glands react and pour adrenaline into your body. Your heart races. Your breathing increases. Your body prepares for a fight or a flight, masking pain.

The officer asks if you are hurt. You don’t feel any pain, or at least you don’t think you do. You tell the officer, “No.”

In South Carolina, over 50% of people who have been in a car accident tell the officer they are not hurt. The truth is many of those people will begin to hurt and realize the extent of the injury well after leaving the collision scene.

If you are hurt, the best thing to do is get to a medical professional as soon as possible. Do not delay going to the doctor because you told the officer you were not hurt. Adrenaline and shock mask many injuries at the collision scene.

While the insurance company may fight you, medical professionals know that pain from injuries after a car accident may take time to develop. The wrongdoer (and the wrongdoer’s insurance company) are not off the hook because you told the officer you were not hurt. The law requires wrongdoers and their insurance company to take full responsibility for your injuries.

If you have any questions about your car accident, please request my free resources or contact me for a free consultation.

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February 3, 2015

Inmate Files $88 Billion Suit


After watching a fantastic Super Bowl, most of us are mourning the end of football season this week. However, one inmate is attempting to change the course of the 2014 football season in Federal Court. His lawsuit claims the National Football League committed a fraud on Mr. Bryant, all Cowboys’ fans, and the citizens of Texas and asked for $88 Billion Dollars in Damages.

Mr. Hendrix is an inmate in a Colorado jail. He filed the suit out of a play where Dez Bryant appeared to make a spectacular catch near the goal line toward the end of the game. After a video review, the officials ruled that Mr. Bryant failed to maintain possession throughout the entire process of catching the ball.

Mr. Hendrix filed suit “on behalf of Dez Bryant #88, All Dallas Cowboys Fans, and All People In Or And From The Sovereign Republic of Texas.” Specifically, Mr. Hendrix claims the incomplete pass call by the officials was “negligence, breach of fiduciary duty, and also wreckless disregard.” Going further, Mr. Hendrix called the video reversal a fraud.

Some may wonder why our system of justice allows suits like this to be filed in the first place. There is no doubt that this lawsuit will be tossed by a judge at the earliest possible moment. Mr. Hendrix is attempting to abuse our system of justice and clog up our courts.

Our civil justice system is like no other in the world. There is a reason why our Founding Fathers insisted on having a jury of our peers to limit wrongdoing. Our justice system should remain open to all, but closely monitored for frivolous cases.

My firm does not accept frivolous cases. We do prosecute wrongdoers for injuring people. If you would like to discuss your meritorious case, please call me at 888-510-9359 or visit my website at

December 19, 2014

Practice Safe Holidays:

drunk.driving.pngDid you know that thousands of Americans will be injured and hundreds will die in the next two weeks? USA Today reports that the end of the year holidays will bring bloodshed and carnage to our streets and highways. As most of us celebrate with office parties, family gatherings, and spirited shopping, some Americans won’t see the New Year. The National Safety Council estimates that over 40% of the traffic fatalities during the New Year’s period were caused from drinking and driving. How can you help? The only foolproof way to avoid causing an alcohol related fatality is to avoid alcohol before driving. Make a commitment today to stop the bloodshed by abstaining from alcohol before driving. If you would like to talk to me about your car accident, please call me at 888-510-9359 or visit my website at Also read, 3 Things to Know Before Talking to Anyone About Your Car Accident Case or request my free South Carolina Car Accident Claims Guide in Plain English.

November 25, 2014

7 Thanksgiving Driving Tips

Lady-Liberty-Weeping.jpg 7 Thanksgiving Driving tips

  1. Don’t Drink and Drive. The holidays are times for celebration. However, the best way to avoid an accident or any involvement with law enforcement is to avoid all alcohol if you have to drive.
  2. Prepare Your Car. Make sure your tires are properly inflated and all of your fluids are topped off. It’s also a good idea to take along some drinking water.
  3. Avoid Blind Spots. Don’t travel in another vehicle’s blind spot. If you find yourself in one, either slow down or speed up to get out of the danger zone. Also remember that large trucks have larger blind spots.
  4. Be Careful Around Large Trucks. Remember that large trucks can’t stop as quickly, so avoid cutting them off.
  5. Don’t Speed. Speed is one of the top causes of traffic collisions.
  6. Follow Safely. Follow another vehicle at a safe distance. Following too closely is another one of the top causes of traffic collisions.
  7. Inspect Child Seats. Before a long trip, make sure those child safety seats are secured properly.
November 19, 2014

Frivolous: Inmate Sues Jail Over Porn


In 1998, Scott Rufin was gouged in the heart with a sword—seven times. He was also shot five times in the head. He left behind two children and his remains were found two years later.

In 2003 a Connecticut jury convicted Dwight Pink Jr. for the murder of Scott Rufin. Mr. Pink showed no remorse and was quoted as saying “I shouldn’t have to show remorse,” saying “this trial . . . was a joke.” Judge Richard W. Dyer sentenced Dwight Pink Jr. to 56 years in prison.

Now, Dwight Pink Jr. is back in court fighting for his right to pornography—while in jail. His lawsuit alleges the State of Connecticut is violating his constitutional right to pornography while incarcerated. Mr. Pink claims he wants access to a drawing book that uses nude models to show the human form. The prison’s ban apparently has multiple inmates upset. Connecticut is fighting the suit.

My take is that this case is absolutely frivolous. While I firmly believe that inmates should have access to the civil justice system to address real abuses, suing for a right to pornography is not one of them. When an inmate chooses to break the law, he looses unfettered freedom as a consequence.

My firm does not accept frivolous cases. We do prosecute wrongdoers for hurting people. If you would like to discuss your meritorious case, please call me at 888-510-9359 or visit my website at www.brianmurphylawyer.ocm

November 12, 2014

Hidden Obamacare Tax: Car Insurance

UncleSamTax.jpeg Hidden Obamacare Tax: Car Insurance

Love it or hate it, Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) is changing America’s healthcare. Both supporters and opponents understand that increased use of healthcare services will lead to larger medical bills. Obamacare supporters argue that healthcare costs will decrease by expanding coverage, eliminating abuses, and incentivizing high quality care. Opponents argue that expanding coverage will only lead to increased spending.

Everyone agrees that medical bills are increasing. Forbes notes that “healthcare spending for the first three months of 2014 rose at the fastest rate in 34 years. . . .” Healthcare spending has steadily risen for more than 10 years and is approaching $9,000.00 per person annually for every man, woman, and child in the United States.

Experiencing a significant injury can result in tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills. As a lawyer who helps injured people recover their financial losses, I commonly see medical bills exceed $25,000.00. Even two-day hospital stays can top $50,000.00. I believe that those bills will continue to increase with the implementation of Obamacare.

When a person is injured in a car accident by the negligence of another driver, the wrongdoing driver is held responsible for the medical bills, among other losses. However, South Carolina law only requires drivers to have $25,000.00 of insurance coverage.

Often, drivers with minimum limits of car insurance cannot pay for medical treatment that exceeds those minimum limits ($25,000.00 in South Carolina). That leaves the injured person holding the bill for what’s left over. That’s right, an injured person could be left with thousands of dollars in medical bills for a car collision that someone else caused.

With increasing medical bills, $25,000.00 may barely cover even one day in a hospital. If an injured person needs extensive follow care or surgery, their medical bills may exceed $100,000.00. Most people fear the possibility they could be on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars in medical bills because someone else crashed into them.

The solution is to purchase optional underinsured coverage on your car insurance. Underinsured coverage steps in and pays the difference between what the other driver paid and what you owe. However, this coverage adds to your car insurance bill.

Healthcare bills are increasing after Obamacare. At the same time, other drivers only have to purchase $25,000.00 of auto insurance. This means you must buy extra car insurance to cover any excess medical bills from automobile collision injuries or face thousands of left over medical bills. Your premiums for that extra coverage are the hidden Obamacare tax. Some of you may have no problem paying extra. Others may protest. Please let me know your thoughts.

Brian R. Murphy is a South Carolina personal injury and car accident lawyer. His law firm helps people who have been hurt by the negligence and recklessness of others. He believes that safety rule violators should take personal responsibility and pay for the harm they cause. Brian’s firm is dedicated to promoting and pursuing justice for the injured. For more information, visit the firm online at

November 5, 2014

South Carolina’s $600 Million Problem

Texting-Injuries-Cost1.jpg South Carolina’s $600 Million Problem.

Cell phone use while driving costs American’s $43,000,000,000.00 (that’s $43 Billion) in annual losses, says Harvard University. To put that number in context, the trade deficit in September was $43 Billion dollars. That means, texting drivers rack up $3.58 Billion in losses every single month.

South Carolina’s share of annual distracted driving losses is $636 Million per year or $53 Million per month. I’ve written about the dangers of texting while driving before. Additionally, I’ve explained why South Carolina’s texting ban is worthless.

What we know is that twenty five percent of all crashes involve cell phone use; that texting while driving doubles reaction time; that distracted driving may contribute up to twenty percent of all fatal crashes; and that distracted driving causes over 330,000 injuries every year.

The damage, injuries, and deaths are horrifying. Additionally, the dollar figures are astonishing. What makes the numbers more staggering is that crashes due to distracted driving are completely preventable. South Carolina could decide tomorrow to become $600 Million Dollars richer by just putting down the cell phone.

Brian R. Murphy is a South Carolina personal injury and car accident lawyer. His law firm helps people who have been hurt by the negligence and recklessness of others. He believes that safety rule violators should take personal responsibility and pay for the harm they cause. Brian’s firm is dedicated to promoting and pursuing justice for the injured. For more information, visit the firm online at

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